Independence Day Celebrated with
Health Screening (15/08/2023)

On the occasion of independence day 15 August 2023, we medical surgical nurses society has organized health awareness camp at Rachana Niraj Society Thane east. six society members and three Doctors took part in this initiative.


A total 76 male and female clients were assessed. Vital signs and anthropometric measurements were taken. People were screened for Diabetes and hypertension. ECG was taken to Those who are above 50 years. After assessment counseling was done by Dr. Vaishali Mohod. The highlight of camp was CPR demonstration. After flag hoisting, CPR session was taken by Dr. Pallavi Lele. People enthusiastically participated in this session. Most of them practiced CPR. People were very happy and satisfied.

Bringing colors to black & white routine of Old Age Home People (07/03/2023)

Today on 07/03/2023 on the occasion of Holi, which is festival of colors, We, The Medical Surgical Nurses Society organized a health camp at Nav Durgashram Old Age Home, Badlapur with an objective to bring some colors into the black and white routine life of the people.

Five of our members took part in this initiative. A total 35 male and female clients were assessed. Vital Signs and Anthropometric measurements were taken. People were screened for risk of Diabetes on Indian Diabetes Risk Assessment Score. And Health Education was given about diseases.

We took a fair idea of their knowledge regarding old age problem and its preventive aspects. Multivitamin and Calcium tablets were distributed. Later some engagement activities were organized for the participants. Easy exercise routines were also taught for memory and mind relaxation.

Participants acknowledged and were happy and satisfied. As a gesture of gratitude, some donation was also given by Medical Surgical Nurses Society.

Health Camp at Rasal, Thane (19/03/2023)

Medical Surgical Nurses Society conducted health camp at Rasal, Tq-Sudhagad Dist-Thane

AIM: The aim of the health camp was to do Health Assessment, spread Health Awareness and provide Health Counselling.

Health Camp Report:

A free health camp for people of Rasal were organized on 19/03/2023 at Primay School, Rasal. Camp was organized by Rotary Club Thane Green City in association with Medical Surgical Nurses Society, Mumbai. Dr. Pallavi Lele, President (MSNS), Dr. Jyoti Perke, Ms. Priya Talgaonkar and Ms. Priya Shinde from society were present to conduct health camp along with Health team of Rotary Club Thane Green City.

Free physical examination along with Random blood glucose test was done of those who are at risk. Blood pressure was taken. Health education was imparted wherever the needs was felt.

A total of 165 people attended the health camp. Posters of Diabetes, hypertension prevention and care were displayed for creating awareness amongst people

This is a prime example of how the community can be served appropriately if we are interested. We need not be high-profiled citizens to help the society change. It is the willingness and enthusiasm which comes out from within that encourages you to work for the betterment of others.

Camp was successfully organized under the guidance of Dr. Pallavi Lele, President (MSNS). Camp was coordinated by Ms. Priya Shinde, Vice-Secretory (MSNS).